Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Nigeria’s Jos DisCo boss break fast with Christians workers

By Uzo Kingsley Apr15,2023 #Nigeria
sky news africa


The Jos Electricity Distribution Company in north central Nigeria with franchise in four States of Bauchi, Gombe, Benue and  Plateau State has yesterday called the Christian staff of the company to join in breaking of the traditional fast of the ongoing one month fasting of the Muslim faith.

Speaking during the mini event, the Managing Director of the Energy Company, Engr. Abdu Bello Mohammed charged staff to honour God by being His ambassadors in all ramifications. 

According to him: “I am very happy breaking fast with my Christian brethren”.

The breaking of fast also known as Iftar after the Maghrib prayers was a yearly ritual for Muslims which the Jos DisCo boss was pleased to have his workers participate.

In his message he preached religious tolerance amongst staff reminding them that all human beings were created by one God and as a result should operate as brothers and sisters.

Mohammed explained that we are all from the same God adding that all of us are from Adam and Eve. 

“Nevertheless, God decided to create us separately so that we can live together, to partner together until the end of time”, he said.

He prayed for the well-being of the staff and the company saying, “May God Almighty support us to become the best company in the country”.

He urged staff to exhibit more commitment that could extricate the company from its current financial quagmire and catapult it to the citadel of corporate growth. 

“JED Plc is a big company that can accommodate all of us. We should be committed to it. We should endeavor to move the company to a greater height”, Mohammed said.

The event which was the first of its kind in the company’s history to see both the Muslims and their Christian counterparts breaking the fast together at the company’s premises, Dr. Friday Elijah, Head Corporate Communications Jos Electricity Distribution Company, said yesterday in a statement sent to our correspondent.

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